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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 26 to 50 of 58

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26Lincoln County Register of DeedsSee Register of Deeds, Lincoln County
27Merrill, John and othersReport on the Petition of John Merrill and others for a reduction of the fees of Register of Deeds1849
28Morgan, Francis B. (late)An Act making valid the records of the Register of Deeds in the County of Hancock1852
29Oxford County Register of DeedsReport on a bill that the fees of the Register of Deeds of Oxford County may be increased1865
30Probate JudgesOrder in relation to salaries and fees of Register of Deeds and Judges and Registers of Probate1865
31Probate RegistersOrder in relation to salaries and fees of Register of Deeds and Judges and Registers of Probate1865
32Register of DeedsAn Act regarding1821
33Register of DeedsAn Act in addition to an Act concerning1825
34Register of DeedsOrder to send to the House the report and other papers in relation to alteration of the law concerning1828
35Register of DeedsReport on the order regarding salaries of1828
36Register of DeedsReport on the order relative to authorizing, to employ Clerks and also the expediency of remitting to, seventeen cents duty on each deed recorded1828
37Register of DeedsSee Attachments, Real Estate 1831 GY 67-23
38Register of DeedsReport on the Order of providing by law that the Office of, and County Treasurer shall not be held by one and the same person at the same time1832
39Register of DeedsReport on the Order relative to vacancy in the Office of Register of Deeds1844
40Register of DeedsAn Act further defining the duties of Register of Deeds in certain cases1845
41Register of DeedsAn Act additional relating to the duties of Register of Deeds1845
42Register of DeedsReport on an Order relative to allowing Registers of Deeds to depute some person to perform the duties in case of sickness or necessary absence of the Register1848
43Register of DeedsResolve for furnishing Registers of Deeds with the Laws and Resolves1855
44Register of Deeds ElectionsAn Act allowing soldiers absent from the State to vote for Electors of President and Vice President, Representatives to Congress ….1864
45Register of Deeds, Cumberland CountyAn Act relating to the Register of Deeds in Cumberland County1862
46Register of Deeds, FeesReport on the Petition of John Merrill and others for a reduction of the fees of Register of Deeds1849
47Register of Deeds, Hancock CountySee Brooks, John 1827 GY 50-22
48Register of Deeds, Lincoln CountyReport on the Petition of Warren Rice that an increased compensation may be allowed to the Register of Deeds for the Middle District in Lincoln County1845
49Register of Deeds, N. District, Washington CountyAn Act for the choice of1832
50Register of Deeds, N. District, Washington CountySee Probate, Judge and Register 1832 GY 71-7

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