Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 251 to 275 of 364

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251Public LandsResolve setting apart the proceeds of the Public Lands as a fund for the payment of public debt1850
252Public LandsAn Act additional to Chapter 123 of the Revised Statutes1850
253Public LandsReport on the Petition of Benjamin Bradford and others that Resolve, Chapter 146 of 1849 relating to cutting grass on public lots on Waite Township, may be rescinded1850
254Public LandsAn Act in relation to lands reserved for public uses1850
255Public LandsResolve in favor of the Inhabitants of the Town of Chester1850
256Public LandsResolve in favor of Thaddeus Bemis1850
257Public LandsReport on the Order relative to directing the Land Agent to sell two townships of Public Lands and distributing the proceeds of the same for the public schools1850
258Public LandsAn Act to amend an Act entitled an Act in relation to lands reserved for public uses1852
259Public LandsResolve authorizing the Land Agent to settle certain claims relating to the location of lands reserved for public uses1852
260Public LandsResolves suspending the sale of the Public Lands (SS)1853
261Public LandsReport on Orders relative to an Act to authorize assessors of plantations to sell the Public Lots in said plantations; also the Resolve to sell the Public Land in this State and abolish the Land Office1853
262Public LandsAn Act in addition to an Act entitled an Act regulating the management and sale of the Public Lands approved March 31st, 1853 (SS)1853
263Public LandsAn Act relating to trespass on the public lands1853
264Public LandsResolve suspending sales of Public Lands1853
265Public LandsAn Act additional to an Act in relation to lands reserved for public uses1853
266Public LandsReport on the Order relative to granting a portion of the public domain to individuals in such a manner as to insure a more speedy settlement thereof1854
267Public LandsResolve authorizing the State Treasurer to adjust the accounts among the lots reserved for public uses in certain cases1855
268Public LandsResolve authorizing the Land Agent to partition the State's interest in Township 18 Range 51861
269Public LandsResolve additional to a Resolve passed February 23, 1861 in favor of Samuel Webber1861
270Public LandsResolve designating and locating certain townships and parts of townships for settlement1861
271Public LandsResolve in relation to settlers on certain lands1861
272Public LandsReport on a Resolve in favor of Francis Minville dit Dechene for timber on State Lands to build a mill1861
273Public LandsReport on the Resolve for the promotion of education in Franklin County1862
274Public LandsResolve in aid of building a saw mill and bridge in Township 14 Range 4 in the County of Aroostook1862
275Public LandsResolve in aid of building mills in Township 6 Range 4 in the County of Aroostook1862

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