Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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276Senate PresidentAddress of March 13, 18341834
277Senate PresidentSee Williamson, Joseph 1834 GY 84-2
278Senate PresidentReport of the Committee on the return of votes1834
279Senate PresidentSee Williamson, Joseph 1834 GY 83-4
280Senate PresidentAddress of March 24, 18351835
281Senate PresidentVote of thanks to Josiah Pierce1835
282Senate PresidentReport of the Committee appointed to receive and count votes for the1835
283Senate PresidentAddress of January 7, 18351835
284Senate PresidentReport of the Committee on votes for the President of the Senate1842
285Senate PresidentAddress of Mr. John Otis and Resolve returning thanks to the Senate President1842
286Senate PresidentValedictory Address of the Senate President1843
287Senate PresidentResolutions of thanks to the President and Secretary of the Senate1843
288Senate PresidentResolve regarding vote of thanks to Honorable Stephen H. Chase resigned as Senate President1846
289Senate PresidentVote of thanks to David Dunn as Senate President1846
290Senate PresidentCommunication from the Senate President1847
291Senate PresidentReport of the Committee to receive and count votes for Senate President1848
292Senate PresidentCommunications from the Senate President1848
293Senate PresidentResolve relative to a vote of thanks to the Senate President1849
294Senate PresidentReport on the votes for President of the Senate1849
295Senate PresidentReport of the Committee on votes for President of the Senate and President Pro-tempore1850
296Senate PresidentResolve of thanks to President of the Senate1850
297Senate PresidentReport on a return of votes for Senate President1853
298Senate PresidentRemarks of Mr. Moore on taking the chair as President of the Senate1854
299Senate PresidentCommunication on the votes for Secretary of the Senate, Assistant Secretary, President, Messenger and Assistant Messenger1865
300Senate President Pro Tempore, Vote ReturnReport of the Committee on Elections1846

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