Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Order for additional pay to, as President Pro-tempore of the Senate1836
2Report on the Petition of the President and Directors to increase the Capital Stock of the1836
3Orders to notify the House of Representatives and the Governor and Council of the election of, as President Pro-tempore of the Senate1836
4Resolve providing for the choice of Electors of President and Vice President of the United States1836
5Resolves relating to the election of President and Vice President1836
6Report on the President and Directors to increase the Capital Stock of the1836
7Report on the Petition of the President and Stockholders of Thomaston Bank for an increase in Capital Stock1836
8Report on the Petition that 20,000 copies of the Farewell Address of President Jackson be printed and distributed throughout the State1837
9Resolution of thanks to the Senate President1837
10Report on the Petition of the President and Directors for a repeal of the 4th section of the Act incorporating the1838
11Report on the Petition of the President and Directors asking leave to resign their Charter on certain conditions1838
12An Act authorizing the President, Directors and Company of the, to reduce their Capital Stock1838
13An Act authorizing the President, Directors and Company of the, to reduce their Capital Stock1838
14Report on the Petition of the President of the Penobscot Mill Dam Company for an alteration in their Charter, and remonstrance of John Bennock and others1838
15Senate President's Address1838
16Report of the Committee appointed to receive votes for President Pro-tempore1838
17Orders directing messages be sent to the House and the Governor and Council informing them of the election of, President Pro-tempore1838
18Resolution of thanks to Senate President1839
19An Act authorizing the President, Directors and Company of the, to reduce their Capital Stock1839
20An Act authorizing the President, Directors and Company of the, to reduce the Capital Stock of the1839
21An Act authorizing the President, Directors and Company of the, to reduce their Capital Stock1839
22Communication from President of the Board of Internal Improvements transmitting copies of a report of the survey of a Railroad route from Portland to Lake Champlain1840
23Copy of correspondence with the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick and President of the United States in relation to the invasion of the Northeastern Frontier1840
24Vote of thanks to Senate President, March 18, 18401840
25Resolve providing for the choice of Electors of President and Vice-President of the United States1840

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