Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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376School MoneyAn Act to amend " An Act to secure the proper expenditure of school moneys in the Madawaska Townships"1865
377SchoolsReport relative to School Districts authorized to raise money in addition to the town taxes1830
378SchoolsReport on the Petition of Jonah Spaulding and others that they may receive money for the support of schools in Carratunk Plantation and Carrying Place Plantation1841
379SchoolsReport on an Order relative to a grant of money to Catharine J. D. O. Farnsworth for instructing a school on the Gore of land between Raymond and Standish1844
380SchoolsReport on the Order relating to granting authority to the Treasurer of Aroostook County to pay over certain money1846
381Schools, PrimaryReport on the Order relative to the apportionment of money for the support of Primary Schools1844
382Scientific SurveyReport on a petition of Manly and J.T. Hardy for claims for services rendered the State and money advanced for the use of the State1863
383Scientific SurveyA bill for an appropriatoin of money for continuance of the Scientific Survey of the State1864
384Scribner, DanielReport on the Petition of Daniel Scribner for allowance of money paid to the State for land in Springfield and to renew his claim to said land1844
385SecuritiesResolve to authorize the Treasurer of State to invest a portion of the money now in the Tresaury in some safe and productive securities1846
386Settling LandsReport on the Order relative to changing the law regulating the sale of Settling Lands so as to require the whole payment to be made in money only1844
387Sewall, Rufus and othersReport on the petition for a Lottery to raise money to erect a bridge over the Sheepscot River1829
388Sinking FundsAn Act to authorize the Commissioners of the sinking fund of the Kennebec and Portland Railroad to invest the moneys of said fund1863
389Smith and RobinsonReport on the Petition of Smith and Robinson that money paid by them as a reward for the detection of robbers, may be refunded1849
390Smith, John and othersA bill to give the inhabitants of the Town of Gray money for State Aid1864
391Smith, John B.Report on the Petition for remuneration for money expended in support of destitute and distressed immigrants from Quebec on the Canada Road1834
392Smith, John B. and othersReport on the Petition of John B. Smith and others relative to a sum of money to be granted by the Legislature for schooling1841
393Smith, Marshall and othersAn act to require the Treasurer of the County of Knox to pay certain money to the Treasurer of the County of Lincoln1862
394Socabeson, PeolReport on a Resolve in favor of Peol Socabeson and for an appropriation of money for the establishment and support of schools in their tribe (Penobscot Indians)1847
395Societies, Lodges and AssociationsReport on Resolves providing for an equal distribution of money among the several Counties appropriated for agricultural purposes1843
396Societies, Lodges and AssociationsReport on the Petition of Simeon Butters and others that the Resolve granting a certain sum of money to Agricultural Societies in this State may be repealed1843
397Societies, Lodges and AssociationsReport on the Petition of Perley Tuck and others that the law may be repealed granting money to Agricultural Societies1844
398Societies, Lodges and AssociationsReport on the Order relative to amending the 82nd Chapter of the Revised Statutes respecting the division of money drawn by agricultural societies1852
399SoldiersReport on a bill authorizing cities, towns, and plantations to raise money for the benefit of persons serving in the army1861
400SoldiersA bill to pay drafted men, their substitutes and those who have paid commutation money, the sum of $3001864

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