Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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451Gardiner Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Henry Brown and others for alteration of the License Laws1844
452GovernorReport on a bill to amend the State Constitution and Laws to provide for 21 in the Senate, 100 in the House, 2 year terms & biennial sessions1861
453Gray Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Henry Brown and others for alteration of the License Laws1844
454Gray, Thomas and othersReport on the Petition that an alteration may be made in the laws relating to School Districts1835
455Green, James and othersReport on the Petition of James Green and others for an alteration in the school laws1852
456GuardiansSee Probate Laws 1826 GY 43-21
457Guardians of MinorsReport on the Order relative to amending the laws regulating Probate Courts allowing Judges of Probate to grant license to guardians of minors to sell the right in equity of redeeming mortgaged real estate1850
458HallowellAn Act to amend Chapter 413 of the Laws of 1850 entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Hallowell1852
459Hallowell Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Henry Brown and others for alteration of the License Laws1844
460Hampden Petition SignersPetitions for repeal of the license laws1843
461Hampden Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Henry Brown and others for alteration of the License Laws1844
462Hampden Petition SignersReport on a bill additional to Chapter 33 of the Laws of 1858 regarding drinking houses and tippling shops1863
463Harbor MastersReport on the order to see if any alterations are necessary in laws relating to duties of Selectmen, Highway Surveyors and1826
464Harvard, Ambrose and othersReport on the Petition that the laws relating to taking of fish in the Kennebec River may be repealed1832
465Hatch and Thompson and othersAn Act to amend Chapter 200 of the Laws of Maine, approved July 30, 1846, entitled an Act relating to hawkers and pedlars1853
466Hawkers and PedlarsAn Act to amend Chapter 200 of the Laws of Maine, approved July 30, 1846, entitled an Act relating to hawkers and pedlars1853
467Hemenway, George and othersReport on a bill additional to Chapter 33 of the Laws of 1858 regarding drinking houses and tippling shops1863
468Herring FisheriesReport on the order relative to amending or repealing the existing laws regulating the1828
469Highway LawsReport on the order for a general revision of the, and repealing certain sections of the Act establishing the Court of Sessions1827
470HighwaysReport on the order of amending the laws relating to, so that proceedings against towns for deficiencies shall be by complaint or petition and not by indictment1826
471Historical DocumentsReport relative to Resolves of South Carolina requesting an interchange of Laws and Historical Documents1844
472House of RepresentativesReport on a bill to amend the State Constitution and Laws to provide for 21 in the Senate, 100 in the House, 2 year terms & biennial sessions1861
473House Paper 06Report on a bill to amend Chapter 267 of the Public Laws of 1864 relating to the jurisdiction of Trial Justices1865
474House Paper 13An Act to amend Chapter 251 Section 1 of the Public Laws of 1864 relating to Poll Taxes1865
475House Paper 15Report on a bill to amend Chapter 267 of the Public Laws of 1864 relating to the jurisdiction of Trial Justices1865

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