Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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426Falmouth Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Henry Brown and others for alteration of the License Laws1844
427Favor, Hiram S. and othersReport on the Petition of Hiram S. Favor and others for a repeal of all Laws of this State regulating the collection of any debt in any Civil action1844
428Fees, Distribution ofReport on the Order relative to amending Chapter 211 of the Laws of 18521853
429Fire InsuranceAn Act to amend Chapter 30 of the Special Laws for the year 18531854
430Fish Destruction: Chandlers RiverAn Act to amend Chapter 470 of the Special Laws of 1860 relating to the destruction of fish in Chandlers River1865
431Fish InspectionAn Act additional and amendatory of Chapter 40 of the Revised Statutes and Chapter 99 of the Public Laws of 1862 relating to the inspection of fish1864
432Fish PreservationAn Act additional to Chapter 232 of the Laws of 1858 entitled "An Act for the preservation of trout in certain waters"1861
433Fish Preservation, Damariscotta WatersReport on the Petition of Elias Bailey and others of the Inhabitants of New Castle and Nobleboro that further laws for the protection of fish in the Damariscotta Waters may be enacted and remonstrance of Edwin Howe and others1845
434Fish WardensA Bill to amend Chapter 184 Sections 7 & 8 of the Public Laws of 1860 regarding Fish Wardens1862
435Fish WardensReport on a bill to repeal Chapters 109 and 184 of the Public Laws of 1859 regarding Fish Wardens in the Counties of Kennebec, Sagadahoc & Somerset…1862
436Fish WardensReport on an order to repeal Chapter 94 of the Laws of 1861 regarding abolishing the Office of Fish Warden in Waldo County1862
437Fisheries, East Machias WatersAn Act to amend Chapter 404 Section 9 of the Special Laws of 1826 relating to the fishery in East Machias waters1862
438Fisheries, Kennebec RiverReport on the Petition of William Torrey and others for repeal of the laws of 1850 in relation to taking fish in the Kennebec River1852
439Fisheries, Kennebec RiverOrder regarding amending all laws regarding fisheries on the Kennebec River1862
440Fisheries: Piscataquis RiverPetition to repeal fish laws in regard to passage ways in dams1821
441Fishermen, Rights ofAn Act to additional to the 81st Chapter of the Public Laws of the year 1848 entitled an Act to secure the rights of fishermen1850
442Fishing Vessels, BountyResolves in relation to certain proposed modifications of the navigation laws of the United States; allowances of bounty to fishing vessels, and reciprocal trade with the British North American Colonies1854
443Fitch, William and othersReport on a bill to amend the State Constitution and Laws to provide for 21 in the Senate, 100 in the House, 2 year terms & biennial sessions1861
444Folsom, Charles C. and othersReport on a bill additional to Chapter 33 of the Laws of 1858 regarding drinking houses and tippling shops1863
445ForeclosuresReport on a bill for the repeal of laws authorizing the management of railroads by Trustees instead of Directors & foreclosure of Railroad mortgages1863
446Foreign AttachmentReport on the Order relative to altering and amending the laws regulating foreign attachment1841
447Forfeited LandsAn Act additional to the 65th Chapter of the Laws of Maine entitled an Act giving further time to redeem lands forfeited for taxes and for the disposition of which may hereafter become forfeited1849
448Frankfort Petition SignersPetitions for repeal of the license laws1843
449Freedom Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Henry Brown and others for alteration of the License Laws1844
450Freeport Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Henry Brown and others for alteration of the License Laws1844

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