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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on Resolves in favor of Alfred, Cherryfield, Eastport, Farmington, Howland, Parsonsfield, South Berwick, Warren and Wiscasset Academies1836
2AvonReport on the Petition of Elijah Howland and others for the division of the towns of Phillips, Avon and Freeman and that a part of the same may be set off into a new town and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Phillips and Avon1846
3AvonReport on the Petition of Elijah Howland and others of Phillips, Avon and Freeman, for a new town1847
4Bailey, James and othersAn Act to divide the Towns of Howland and Maxfield in the County of Penobscot and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Howland and Maxfield1850
5Bartlett, Thomas and othersReport on the petition for aid in making a road from Old Town to Howland1828
6County Commissioners Court, Penobscot CountyAn Act to enable the Inhabitants of the Town of Howland to petition the Court of Commissioners to discontinue a highway1861
7FreemanReport on the Petition of Elijah Howland and others for the division of the towns of Phillips, Avon and Freeman and that a part of the same may be set off into a new town and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Phillips and Avon1846
8FreemanReport on the Petition of Elijah Howland and others of Phillips, Avon and Freeman, for a new town1847
9Hammatt, William C.An Act to incorporate the Proprietors of Howland Bridge1854
10HowlandResolve in favor of Plantation 1 Range 7 in the County of Penobscot1825
11HowlandAn Act to incorporate the Town of1826
12HowlandResolve in favor of the Town of1827
13HowlandSee Bartlett, Thomas and others 1828 GY 53-29
14HowlandAn Act to divide the Towns of Howland and Maxfield in the County of Penobscot and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Howland and Maxfield1850
15HowlandAn Act to enable the Inhabitants of the Town of Howland to petition the Court of Commissioners to discontinue a highway1861
16HowlandReport on the petition of the Penobscot County Commissioners for an Act to make valid the location of a road in Howland1862
17HowlandAn Act to amend Chapter 253 of the Special Laws of 1863 entitled "An Act in reference to the claim of Miles Wilson upon the County of Penobscot"1864
18Howland AcademyAn Act establishing1835
19Howland BridgeAn Act to incorporate the Proprietors of Howland Bridge1845
20Howland BridgeAn Act to incorporate the Proprietors of Howland Bridge1854
21Howland Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Gideon J. Newton and others that aid may be granted them to build a road and bridges at Orson Island1847
22Howland Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Nathaniel Jones and others to incorporate a horse ferry boat at Piscataquis Ferry and remonstrance of James Merrill and others1848
23Howland Petition SignersResolve in favor of Lincoln High School1848
24Howland Petition SignersReport on a bill to incorporate a new county from Penobscot and Aroostook Counties, with Lincoln as shiretown1861
25Howland, D. P. and othersAn Act to set off the Towns of Sidney and Vassalboro from the Kennebec to the North Kennebec Agricultural and Horticultural Society1850

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