Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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226Intoxicating LiquorsAn Act for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops1851
227Intoxicating LiquorsReport on a bill additional to Chapter 33 of the Laws of 1858 regarding drinking houses and tippling shops1863
228Intoxicating LiquorsPetitions on the passed law for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops1864
229Intoxicating LiquorsAn Act additional to "An Act entitled 'An Act for the supression of drinking houses and tippling shops'", approved March 25, 18581864
230Intoxicating LiquorsReport on a bill to amend an Act for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops, passed 18581865
231JailsReport on a bill to amend Chapter 141 Section 4, 6, 7, & 16 of the Revised Statutes regarding County Houses of Correction1863
232Joint ConventionOrder for a convention of both Houses to elect a Land Agent1863
233Joint ConventionOrder regarding a Joint Convention of both Houses1863
234Joint ConventionOrder for a convention of both Houses to elect the Secretary of State, Attorney General, Adjutant General and 7 Executive Councilors1863
235Jonesboro Petition SignersAn Act for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops1851
236Judkins, John and othersReport on the petition that provision be made for the erection of Houses of Correction within the several counties1829
237KenduskeagReport on the Petition of E. B. Stackpole and others for additional rights for School Districts in locating school houses1853
238Kimball, John S. and othersPetitions on the passed law for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops1864
239Ladies Temperance BandReport on the Petition of the Ladies Temperance Band in Liberty for an amendment of the Act for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops1854
240Land Agent ElectionsOrder for a convention of both Houses to elect a Land Agent1863
241Legislative BusinessOrder to inform the Governor that the two Houses have finished all, before them1835
242Legislative MessagesOrder of the two Houses regulating the manner of transmitting, and papers between them1830
243Legislative MessagesOrder for a message to the House proposing a convention of the two Houses for the purpose of choosing Councilors and Secretary of State1832
244Legislative MessagesOrder relative to, between both Houses1833
245Legislative OrdersOrder for a convention of both Houses to elect the Secretary of State, Attorney General, Adjutant General and 7 Executive Councilors1863
246Legislative OrdersOrder to prepare for publication and printing the Rules and Orders of the Senate and Joint Rules of Both Houses1863
247Legislative OrdersOrder regarding a Joint Convention of both Houses1863
248Legislative OrdersOrder for a convention of both Houses to elect a Land Agent1863
249Legislative OrdersOrder to notify the Governor of his election and both houses are ready to receive his communications1865
250Legislative OrdersOrder for the Joint Select Committee to report on Joint Rules of both houses1865

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