Search Results
Results 1 to 22 of 22
Subject | Description | Year | |
1 | Academies, Schools and Colleges | Resolve in favor of Van Buren, Grand Isle, and Hamlin Plantations for the support of the schools | 1861 |
2 | Birth Records | An Act relating to the records of births and marriages in Grand Isle, Madawaska, Dionne and Van Buren Plantations | 1865 |
3 | Cormier, Louis and others | Report on the petition of Louis Cormier and others for an appropriation to be made for repairing certain bridges in Grand Isle Plantation | 1862 |
4 | Dionne Plantation | An Act relating to the records of births and marriages in Grand Isle, Madawaska, Dionne and Van Buren Plantations | 1865 |
5 | Frenchville | An Act relating to the records of births and marriages in Grand Isle, Madawaska, Dionne and Van Buren Plantations | 1865 |
6 | Grand Isle | Resolve in favor of Calais Academy | 1853 |
7 | Grand Isle | Resolve in favor of Van Buren, Grand Isle, and Hamlin Plantations for the support of the schools | 1861 |
8 | Grand Isle Petition Signers | Report on a Resolve in favor of Francis Minville dit Dechene for timber on State Lands to build a mill | 1861 |
9 | Grand Isle Petition Signers | A bill that the State grant aid in building a road from St. John River road to the rear of the settlers lots in Township 18, Range 3 | 1864 |
10 | Grand Isle Plantation | Report on the petition of Louis Cormier and others for an appropriation to be made for repairing certain bridges in Grand Isle Plantation | 1862 |
11 | Grand Isle Plantation | Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to examine into the situation of the land occupied by settlers on Township 18 Range 03 | 1864 |
12 | Grand Isle Plantation | A bill to establish a library for the advancement of the French language in Grant Isle Plantation | 1864 |
13 | Grand Isle Plantation | An Act relating to the records of births and marriages in Grand Isle, Madawaska, Dionne and Van Buren Plantations | 1865 |
14 | Grand Isle Plantation, Me Petition Signers | Report on the Petition of Paul Cyr and others for a law allowing cattle to roam at large | 1850 |
15 | Hamlin Plantation | Resolve in favor of Van Buren, Grand Isle, and Hamlin Plantations for the support of the schools | 1861 |
16 | Madawaska Plantation | An Act relating to the records of births and marriages in Grand Isle, Madawaska, Dionne and Van Buren Plantations | 1865 |
17 | Marriage Records | An Act relating to the records of births and marriages in Grand Isle, Madawaska, Dionne and Van Buren Plantations | 1865 |
18 | Smith, George W. and others | Resolve in favor of Van Buren, Grand Isle, and Hamlin Plantations for the support of the schools | 1861 |
19 | Transportation: Bridges | Report on the petition of Louis Cormier and others for an appropriation to be made for repairing certain bridges in Grand Isle Plantation | 1862 |
20 | Van Buren | Resolve in favor of Van Buren, Grand Isle, and Hamlin Plantations for the support of the schools | 1861 |
21 | Van Buren Plantation | An Act relating to the records of births and marriages in Grand Isle, Madawaska, Dionne and Van Buren Plantations | 1865 |
22 | Vital Records | An Act relating to the records of births and marriages in Grand Isle, Madawaska, Dionne and Van Buren Plantations | 1865 |
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