Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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226GovernorReport on the Petition of Moses Swett and others relative to a Resolve providing for amendment of the Constitution in relation to the meeting of the Legislature and the term of office of the Governor and other Officers1846
227GovernorResolves providing for an amendment of the Constitution in relation to the election of Governor, Senators and Members of the House of Representatives1847
228GovernorResolve declaratory of amendments to the Constitution1848
229GovernorReport on a bill to amend the State Constitution and Laws to provide for 21 in the Senate, 100 in the House, 2 year terms & biennial sessions1861
230GovernorReport on the petition of Samuel Adams & others for a Constitutional Amendment regarding the Executive Council, House, Senate, Governor and Selectmen1862
231GovernorOrders on notification of election1862
232GovernorCommunication of Governor Coburn regarding the portrait of Sir William Pepperell and the letter of Hon. S. Brannan1863
233GovernorCommunication of the Executive Department regarding the non-commissioning of officers of the Maine Militia1863
234GovernorOrder for the Governor to inform the Legislature if the Indian Agents have made annual reports1863
235Governor (late)Resolve in relation to the death of the Honorable Edward Kavanagh (late)1844
236Governor (late)Resolve for placing an inscription upon the Masonic Monument about to be erected to the memory of the late Governor Robert P. Dunlap1863
237Governor ElectSee King, William 1820 GY 2-13
238Governor ElectReport of the Committee elected to wait upon the Governor and inform him of his election1822
239Governor ElectOrder for Committee to notify Albion K. Parris of his election1823
240Governor ElectOrder for Committee to wait upon the Governor and inform him of his election1825
241Governor ElectSee Legislative Joint Committee 1831 GY 70-30
242Governor ElectOrder for a Convention of both Houses for the purpose of qualifying the1832
243Governor ElectOrder proposing a Convention of both Houses to qualify the1833
244Governor ElectOrder to have a Committee appointed to wait on the, informing him of his election1833
245Governor ElectOrder for a Joint Convention for purpose of qualifying the1834
246Governor ElectOrder appointing a Select Committee to wait on the1834
247Governor ElectSee Dunlap, Robert P. 1835 GY 89-13
248Governor's AddressOrder for 1000 copies of the Governor's Address be printed1863
249Governor's Address, Committee onAn Order assigning committees to report on the Governor's Address1864
250Governor's AidsResolve relating to the compensation of the Governor's Aids1862

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