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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 51 to 75 of 134

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51Cornish Petition SignersSundry remonstrances against the removal of the Courts from Alfred to Biddeford1852
52Cornish Petition SignersSundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to the removal of the York County Court from Alfred1854
53Cornish Petition SignersPetitions and remonstrances in relation to the passed law in relation to a January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in York County1862
54Cornish, C. C. and othersAn Act to make valid the doings of cities, towns and plantations in raising bounties and for other purposes1863
55CornvilleRemonstrance of Aaron Brown and others against alteration of line between Athens and1824
56CornvilleSee Anson 1824 GY 24-11
57CornvilleSee McLaughlin, Thomas and others 1829 GY 56-38
58CornvilleSee Malbon, Nathaniel 1829 GY 57-40
59CornvilleSee Barker, Joseph and others 1830 GY 62-40
60CornvilleSee Loomis, George and Others 1831 GY 67-22
61CornvilleSee Milburn 1831 PS 70-29
62CornvilleReport on the Petition of the Inhabitants that Nathaniel Malbon may be reannexed to the Town of, and the remonstrance of certain Inhabitants of said Town1832
63CornvilleSee Representatives 1832 GY 73-25
64CornvilleAn Act to annex a part of the Town of, to the Town of Milburn1833
65CornvilleSee Milburn 1833 PS 91-11
66CornvilleResolve for the benefit of the Town of1834
67CornvilleReport on the Petition of the Inhabitants of Cornville that the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace may be enlarged1841
68CornvilleReport on the Petition of John Woodman and others that they may be set off from Cornville to Skowhegan1852
69CornvilleReport on the Petition of Benjamin Cayford and others that they may be set off from Cornville and annexed to Skowhegan1852
70Cornville Land GrantReport on the petition of the Selectmen for1825
71Cornville Petition SignersSee Kennebec Dam Company 1834 PS 107-134
72Cornville Petition SignersAn Act to incorporate the Somerset and Kennebec Railroad Company and remonstrance of James M. Hilton and others1848
73Cornville Petition SignersReport on the Petition of David Bronson and others for an amendment to the Charter of the Somerset and Kennebec Railroad Company and remonstrance of George W. Pickering and others1852
74Cornville Petition SignersReport on the Petition of D. D. Blunt and others for a free bridge at or near Skowhegan Falls1852
75County Commissioners, Lincoln CountySee Turner, Cornelius and others 1833 GY 79-34

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