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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 26 to 50 of 134

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26BowdoinSee Thompson, Cornelius 1827 PS 47-55
27BowdoinSee Thompson, Cornelius 1834 PS 107-128
28BowdoinReport on the Petition of the Inhabitants of, for repeal of an Act setting off Cornelius Thompson from Bowdoin to Lisbon1835
29BrightonReport on the Petition of James Palmer that the north east corner lot in Brighton be set off and annexed to the town of Kingsbury and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Brighton1846
30Brown, E. C. and othersAn Act to amend Chapter 38 of the Revised Statues relating to the sale of potatoes, corn, grain, vegatables, meal and hair1864
31Brown, John and othersReport on the Petition that they may be set off from the town of Cornish and annexed to Limerick1834
32Cayford, Benjamin and othersReport on the Petition of Benjamin Cayford and others that they may be set off from Cornville and annexed to Skowhegan1852
33Chapter 038, Revised StatutesAn Act to amend Chapter 38 of the Revised Statues relating to the sale of potatoes, corn, grain, vegatables, meal and hair1864
34Corinth and Vicinity Petition SignersAn Act to amend Chapter 38 of the Revised Statues relating to the sale of potatoes, corn, grain, vegatables, meal and hair1864
35CornAn Act to amend Chapter 38 of the Revised Statues relating to the sale of potatoes, corn, grain, vegatables, meal and hair1864
36CornSee Manufacturers: Corn
37Corn BountyReport on the Petition of James Bicknell that he may have a bounty paid to him on Wheat and Corn raised in 18381841
38Corn BountyResolve in favor of Job Springer1841
39Corn BountyReport on an Order to provide by law fo the payment of a bounty on wheat and corn raised in this State1852
40Corn BountySee also Wheat Bounty
41Corn BountySee also Corn Bounty
42Cornforth, WilliamReport on the petition that he may be exempt from military duty1828
43CornishResolve confirming the doings of the Town of1824
44CornishOrder to send up a petition to make valid the doings of1824
45CornishSee Brown, John and others 1834 GY 88-9
46CornishReport on the Petition of Humphrey McKenney to be set off from the Town of Limington and annexed to the Town of Cornish1848
47CornishReport on the Petition of Humphrey McKenney to be set off from Limington and annexed to Cornish (No Petition)1849
48Cornish MeetinghouseReport on the Petition of Isaac Thompson and others relative to selling the old Meeting House in Cornish1841
49Cornish Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Henry Brown and others for alteration of the License Laws1844
50Cornish Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Horace Bodwell and others to remove the York County Courts from Alfred to Saco and remonstrance of James Neal and others1849

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