Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1An Act to authorize the alderman of cities and selectmen of towns to appoint, of salt, corn and grain1836
2Report on the Order relative to having the third Section of the Law regulating Elections read to Electors at the annual meetings of Cities, Towns and Plantations1836
3Report on the Petition for cities and towns to have measurers for painting and plastering1837
4Resolve to authorize the, to issue certificates to cities, towns and plantations in certain cases1839
5Resolve to authorize the, to pay interest upon all sums of money due from the State to the several cities, towns and plantations therein1839
6Resolve directing the payment of accounts of cities, towns and persons for supplies furnished and services rendered in consequence of drafts of, into actual service1840
7An Act to provide for furnishing, to the cities, towns and plantations in this State1840
8Report on the Order relating to the duty of towns and cities to choose a suitable number of persons who shall constitute the Board of School Committee1855
9Academies, Schools and CollegesA bill to donate land or money for the establishment of High Schools in the several cities, towns and plantations1864
10Acton Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
11Albion Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
12Albion Petition SignersAn Act to make valid the doings of cities, towns and plantations in raising bounties and for other purposes1863
13AppealsAn Act in relation to appeals for land damages in cities1852
14Appleton Petition SignersAn Act to make valid the doings of Cities, Towns and Plantations relating to bounties for soldiers, drafted men and substitutes1865
15Apportionment, FourthResolve for apportioning 151 Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes in the State of Maine at the fourth apportionment1842
16Apportionment, FourthResolve amendatory of a Resolve apportioning 151 Representatives among the several counties, cities towns and plantations and classes in the State of Maine, at the 4th Apportionment1845
17Apportionment, House of RepresentativesResolve apportioning 151 Representatives among the several counties, cities, towns, plantations and classes in the State1861
18Apportionment, RepresentativesResolve for apportioning 151 Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes in the State of Maine1852
19Apportionment, ThirdResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
20Apportionment, ThirdReport on a Resolve amendatory to the Resolve passed A.D. 1841 for dividing the State into Districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apport1842
21Apportionment, ThirdResolve amendatory to the Resolve passed A. D. 1841 for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several counties, cities, towns and plantations and classes at the third apportionment1842
22AssessorsA bill for savings institutions to report to assessors of cities, towns and plantations, the names of persons who have $300 or more in accounts1864
23Assessors, Election ofAn Act to change the time of electing assessors in certain cities1854
24AuctionsReport on the Petition of William B. Reed and others that certain towns and cities may be authorized to levy a tax on sales at auction1843
25Augusta Petition SignersAn Act to authorize certain cities and towns to grant aid in the construction and completion of the Kennebec and Portland Railroad and remonstrance of Thomas Given, 2nd and others1850

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