Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Order relative to altering the Joint Standing Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals1836
2Report on a Resolve in aid of rebuilding the Bethel, Rumford and Canton Point Bridges1839
3Report on the Petition of Israel Glidden and others for the repair of roads and bridges in Patricktown Plantation1855
4Adams, David F. and othersResolve for locating and opening in part a road from the Eastern Aroostook to Fish River Road and building bridges on same1861
5ArgyleReport on the Petition of Warren Burr and others that assistance may be granted by the State to build bridges from Orson Island to Argyle and from said Island to Old Town. Also the Petition of the Inhabitants of Old Town for aid to build a road over said1841
6Argyle Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Gideon J. Newton and others that aid may be granted them to build a road and bridges at Orson Island1847
7Ashland Petition SignersReport on the petition of D.N. Rogers and others for an appropriation for repairing bridges on the Fish River Road1863
8AtkinsonReport on the Petition of the Selectmen for an Act to enable the Town of, to assess taxes payable in money for making, repairing and maintaining bridges in said Town1832
9Bagley, AbnerReport on the Petition that Toll Bridges in certain cases may be free of toll1832
10Blanchard, Ira and othersReport on the petition that a law may be passed making all toll bridges free for soldiers on days of training and elections1830
11Brackett, Samuel M. and othersReport on the Petition of Samuel M. Brackett and others for an Act further in relation to bridges1847
12Bridge PreservationAn Act for the preservation of bridges1848
13BridgesReport on a Resolve respecting, in the Towns of Buxton and Hollis1832
14BridgesAn Act for the preservation of1833
15BridgesReport on the Order of enacting a law for the protection of all incorporated, and for calling the first meeting of the Inhabitants of newly incorporated Towns1833
16BridgesSee also Transportation: Bridges
17BridgesSee also Transportation: Bridges
18BridgesSee Transportation: Bridges
19BridgesSee also Transportation: Bridges
20Bridges' BridgeSee Wood, Abiel and others 1827 GY 49-52
21Bridges, FreeReport on a Bill providing that draws in, over tide waters shall be made at the expense of the several Counties1833
22Bridges, JohnResolve in favor of certain menbers of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1851
23Bridges, JohnResolve in favor of John Bridges (SS)1853
24Bridges, JohnResolve in favor of John Bridges for expenses incurred during sickness while a Member of the Legislature1861
25Bridges, Otis L. and othersReport on the Petition that the Houlton Road may be completed1831

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