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Maine Social Security Records


Social Security Record of Nettie Moore Lowe

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Name: Nettie Moore Lowe
Social Security Number 
Social Security numbers of deceased cardholders are released by the government to prevent fraud, and cannot be used to steal identities
004-64-9702 (Issued Maine)
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 18 June 1883
Place of Birth: North Anson, Maine
Father's Name: Morris M. Moore
Mother's Name: Adella Veasey
Other Name 
Name used by number holder other than name on SSN card
Nettie Francis Moore
Type of Record: Original SSN
Cycle Date 
Date entry was posted in Numerical Identification File
2 Nov. 1972
Additional Records: Check National Archives for more
View full record on National Archives website
Request copy of original Application for Social Security Card (SS-5)

Source citation: "Maine Social Security Records," database, Maine Genealogy ( : accessed 13 March 2025), entry for Nettie Moore Lowe, citing Social Security Administration Numerical Identification Files (NUMIDENT), provided by the National Archives.

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*Death date may belong to a spouse or child who filed for benefits under the number holder.