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Hancock County Court of Sessions Records


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1Daniel WoodmanWarrant in Commonwealth vs. Daniel Woodman of Prospect for assault on John Sherman's wife, Lucy Sherman of Prospect1803
2Josh WoodmanReturn of Votes for Register of Deeds1801
3Joshua WoodmanAccounts allowed1791
4Joshua WoodmanAccounts allowed1794
5Joshua WoodmanAccounts allowed1795
6Joshua WoodmanAccounts allowed1796
7Joshua WoodmanAccounts Allowed1803
8Joshua WoodmanOrders and Receipts1806
9Joshua WoodmanPetit Jurors1808
10Joshua WoodmanCourt Expense Receipts1808
11Joshua WoodmanAccounts Allowed1815
12Joshua Woodman and othersWarrant to Joshua Woodman and others to lay out a highway from Col. Webber's tan house , over the Ferry to the Sedgwick line1805

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