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Hancock County Court of Sessions Records


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1David VoseHampden Selectmen approving David Vose to sell spirits by retail1802
2David VoseOrders and Receipts1806
3David VoseReceipts1808
4David VoseList of persons licenced as Retailers and Inn Holders1803
5David VoseList of people approved as Inn Holders and Retailers of Liquor1804
6David VoseList of persons licensed as Innholders and Retailers of Liquor1805
7George VoseAccounts Allowed1815
8George VoseAccounts Allowed1817
9George VoseAccounts vs. the County Committee for building the gaol1818
10George VoseAccounts Allowed1821
11George VoseAccounts Allowed - Sundry Terms1821
12George VoseAccounts Allowed1824
13George VoseAccounts Allowed1824
14George VoseAccounts Allowed1825
15George VoseAccounts Allowed1826
16George VoseAccounts Allowed1827
17George VoseAccounts Allowed1828
18George VoseAccounts Allowed1829
19George VoseAccount of Thomas Cobb1830
20George VoseAccounts Allowed1830
21George VoseAccounts Allowed1830
22William VoseRecognizance of William Vose of Penobscot for Assault and Battery1795
23William VoseRecognizance of William Vose of Penobscot to preserve the peace1797

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