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Hancock County Court of Sessions Records


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1Asa SpencerRecognizance - Commonwealth vs. Archibald McPhetres and others for riot, rout and tumultuous assembly1798
2Benjamin SpencerRecognizance - Commonwealth vs. Archibald McPhetres and others for riot, rout and tumultuous assembly1798
3Daniel Spencer, Jr.Recognizance of Daniel Spencer Jr. of Bangor to give evidence re: an indictment against Enoch Eayrs1800
4Isaac SpencerAccounts Allowed1800
5James SpencerRecognizance - Commonwealth vs. Archibald McPhetres and others for riot, rout and tumultuous assembly1798
6John SpencerAccounts allowed1796
7John SpencerRecognizance - Commonwealth vs. Archibald McPhetres and others for riot, rout and tumultuous assembly1798
8John SpencerAccounts allowed1790

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