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Hancock County Court of Sessions Records


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1Asa PeabodyBonds for Bradshaw Hall, County Treasurer1813
2Asa PeabodyList of persons licenced as Retailers and Inn Holders1803
3Asa PeabodyCommonwealth vs. Benjamin Lilly of Orphan Island for Assault on Asa Peabody of Buckston1803
4Asa PeabodyGrand Jury's Bill1802
5Asa PeabodyList of persons licensed as Innholders and Retailers of Liquor1805
6Stephen PeabodyEnd of Term Papers1807
7Stephen PeabodyAccounts Allowed1814
8Stephen PeabodyAccounts Allowed1802
9Stephen PeabodyList of persons licenced as Retailers and Inn Holders1803
10Stephen PeabodyVouchers to Abstract - C1804
11Stephen PeabodyList of persons licensed as Innholders and Retailers of Liquor1805
12Stephen PeabodyAccount of the attendance of the Justices1805
13Stephen Peabody and othersApproval of Baize Ballard of Buckstown as a Tavern Keeper1805
14Stephen Peabody and othersPetition of Stephen Peabody and others for a road from Harriman's Ferry to Treat's Ferry1805
15Stephen Peabody and othersPetition of Stephen Peabody and others for a road from Buckstown to the Union River Bridge1807
16Stephen Peabody and othersAccounts Allowed1830
17William PeabodyList of people approved as Inn Holders and Retailers of Liquor1804

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