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Hancock County Court of Sessions Records


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1O. LeonardCourt Orders1805
2O. LeonardList of persons licenced as Retailers and Inn Holders1803
3O. LeonardAccounts Allowed1804
4O. LeonardList of Accounts examined and allowed1805
5O. Leonard and othersReport of the Committee to examine the gaol1805
6O. Leonard and othersPetition of O. Leonard and others for a road from New Bridge in Belfast to March River Bridge in Frankfort1806
7O. Leonard and othersReport of the Committee on Accounts1804
8Oliver LeonardAccounts Allowed1805
9Oliver LeonardVouchers to Abstract1806
10Oliver LeonardAccount of Oliver Leonard1808
11Oliver LeonardList of people approved as Inn Holders and Retailers of Liquor1804
12Oliver LeonardVouchers to Abstract - B1804
13Oliver Leonard and othersPetition of Oliver Leonard and others for roads to be laid out from the County Road to the ferries1800
14Oliver Leonard and othersPetition of Oliver Leonard and others for a road from Orrington/Buckstown to the Penobscot River1808
15Oliver Leonard and othersPetition of Oliver Leonard and others to lay out a road from Belfast Beach to Ducktrap Bridge1808

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