Search Results
Results 1 to 16 of 16
Name | Subject | Year | |
1 | John Lee | Commonwealth vs. Sparks Perkins of Penobscot for theft from John Lee | 1793 |
2 | John Lee | Petition of John Lee, Admin. of the estate of Jesse Holbrook of Penobscot, to sell real estate to pay debts | 1793 |
3 | John Lee | Accounts Allowed | 1803 |
4 | John Lee | Accounts Allowed | 1815 |
5 | John Lee | Accounts of Joseph Perkins and John Lee for building the Court House | 1800 |
6 | John Lee | List of persons licenced as Retailers and Inn Holders | 1803 |
7 | John Lee | Grand Jury's Bill | 1804 |
8 | John Lee | List of people approved as Inn Holders and Retailers of Liquor | 1804 |
9 | John Lee | List of persons licensed as Innholders and Retailers of Liquor | 1805 |
10 | Joseph Lee | End of Term Papers | 1807 |
11 | Joseph Lee | Accounts Allowed | 1808 |
12 | Joseph Lee | Court Orders | 1809 |
13 | Joseph Lee | List of persons licenced as Retailers and Inn Holders | 1803 |
14 | Joseph Lee | List of people approved as Inn Holders and Retailers of Liquor | 1804 |
15 | Joseph Lee | List of persons licensed as Innholders and Retailers of Liquor | 1805 |
16 | Samuel Lee | List of persons licenced as Retailers and Inn Holders | 1803 |
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