Search Results
Results 1 to 14 of 14
Name | Subject | Year | |
1 | Olive Knowlton | Commonwealth vs. William Flanders of Northport for attempted rape | 1814 |
2 | Robert Knowlton | Commonwealth vs. Charles Kempton, Aaron Marafew and Robert Knowlton for theft of flour from Calvin Turner, all of Isle au Haut | 1816 |
3 | Thomas Knowlton | Accounts Allowed | 1797 |
4 | Thomas Knowlton | Accounts allowed | 1797 |
5 | Thomas Knowlton | Accounts allowed | 1799 |
6 | Thomas Knowlton | Accounts for Court Attendence | 1801 |
7 | Thomas Knowlton | Commonwealth vs. Thomas Knowlton of Northport for assault on Elizabeth Shaw of Northport | 1816 |
8 | Thomas Knowlton | Accounts Allowed | 1800 |
9 | Thomas Knowlton | List of persons licenced as Retailers and Inn Holders | 1803 |
10 | Thomas Knowlton | List of people approved as Inn Holders and Retailers of Liquor | 1805 |
11 | Thomas Knowlton | List of people approved as Inn Holders and Retailers of Liquor | 1804 |
12 | Thomas Knowlton | List of persons licensed as Innholders and Retailers of Liquor | 1805 |
13 | Thomas Knowlton | Account of the attendance of the Justices | 1805 |
14 | Thomas Knowlton and others | Approval of Benjamin Palmer of Northport as retailers of spiritous liquors | 1805 |
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