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Hancock County Court of Sessions Records


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Results 1 to 18 of 18

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1Abijah Haskell, Jr.Commonwealth vs. Abijah Haskell, Jr., Susannah M. Haskell and Peter Haskell of Deer Isle for misspending the Lord's Day1816
2Francis HaskellCommonwealth vs. Francis Haskell of Deer Isle for assault on Joseph Clifton of Deer Isle1816
3Ignatius HaskellAccounts allowed1790
4Ignatius HaskellList of persons licensed as Innholders and Retailers of Liquor1804
5Ignatius HaskellList of persons who have applied for licenses as Inn Holders and Retailers of Liquor1804
6Ignatius HaskellList of people approved as Inn Holders and Retailers of Liquor1805
7Ignatius HaskellList of persons licensed as Innholders and Retailers of Liquor1805
8Ignatius Haskell and othersPetition of Charles Pressey and others of Deer Isle for an alteration of the County Road1804
9John HaskellGrand Jury's Bill1802
10Jonathan HaskellApproval of Jonathan Haskell as a retailer of spiritous liquor in Deer Isle1808
11Jonathan HaskellBonds1841
12Jonathan HaskellPetit Jury's Bill1804
13Jonathan Haskell and othersApproval of Pearl Spofford of Deer Isle to retail liquors1805
14Jonathan Haskell, 2ndCommonwealth vs. Jonathan Haskell 2nd and Jonathan Hardy of Deer Isle for misspending the Lord's Day1816
15Mark HaskellVouchers to Abstract - G1799
16Mark Haskell and othersPetition of Mark Haskell and others for a bridge over Long Cove in Deer Isle1793
17Peter HaskellCommonwealth vs. Abijah Haskell, Jr., Susannah M. Haskell and Peter Haskell of Deer Isle for misspending the Lord's Day1816
18Susannah M. HaskellCommonwealth vs. Abijah Haskell, Jr., Susannah M. Haskell and Peter Haskell of Deer Isle for misspending the Lord's Day1816

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