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Hancock County Court of Sessions Records


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1Edward Brewer and othersPetition of Edward Brewer and others for a ferry across the Narrows between Mount Desert and Trenton1830
2Edward Brewer and othersTax Assessment for the Town of Eden1831
3Francis BrewerPetit Juror's Bill1802
4John BrewerPetition of John Brewer of Orrington regarding the laying out of roads1791
5John BrewerPetition of John Brewer for expenses to construct bridges1792
6John BrewerAccounts allowed1792
7John BrewerAccounts allowed1790
8John BrewerList of persons licenced as Retailers and Inn Holders1803
9John BrewerGrand Jurors Bill1800
10John BrewerList of people approved as Inn Holders and Retailers of Liquor1804
11John BrewerList of persons licensed as Innholders and Retailers of Liquor1805
12(Col.) John BrewerApproval of Col. John Brewer of Orrington as an innholder1801
13(Col.) John BrewerVouchers to Abstract1808
14Jonah Brewer, Jr.Vouchers1803
15Jonah Brewer, Jr.Grand Jury's Bill1804
16Joshua BrewerBonds1791
17Josiah BrewerAccounts Allowed1802
18Josiah BrewerVouchers to Abstract - A1804

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