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Maine Executive Council Records


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Results 1 to 14 of 14

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Asa Witham and othersReport on the petition of Asa Witham and others for a new Militia Company in Madison, giving leave to withdraw1832
2Isaac WithamReport declaring the election of Isaac Witham as Ensign null and void1837
3Jacob WithamReport on the petition of Jacob Witham, of Denmark, for a pardon1839
4Jedediah WithamReport on the Warrant in favor of Hannah Spinney, widow of Jedediah Witham, for her pension1840
5Lemuel WithamWarrant in favor of Lemuel Witham1826
6Ward WithamReport on the bond of Ward Witham, Keeper of the State Arsenal at Bangor1839
7Ward WithamWarrant for Salaries1840
8Ward WithamReport on the Warrant for Salaries1840
9Ward WithamReport in favor of Winthrop Bird and others, as Keepers of the Military Property of the State1839
10Ward WithamWarrant for Salaries1839
11Ward WithamWarrant in favor of Ward Witham, Keeper of the Arsenal at Bangor1839
12Ward WithamWarrants in favor of the Officers of Government for their salaries1840
13Ward WithamReport on the Warrant for Salaries1840
14William WithamWarrants for Salaries1839

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