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Maine Executive Council Records


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Results 1 to 25 of 26

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1James P. VanceWarrant in favor of James P. Vance, Esq., Clerk for the Legislature for drafting bills1828
2William VanceReport authorizing the appointment of an agent on the road from Baring to Houlton1826
3William VanceReport on the communication from William Vance in relation to the petition of John N. Todd and others of Calais for a Company of Artillery1828
4William VanceReport on the communication from William Vance, Esq., Agent for the Baring to Houlton Road1828
5William VanceReport on the communication of Jabez Mowry and others in relation to the Houlton Road1829
6William VanceReport on the communication of William Vance, Esq., regarding the Committee to view the Houlton Road1829
7William VanceReport on the communication of Jabez Mowry and others regarding the Baring to Houlton Road1829
8William VanceReport on the Communications from William Vance, Esq., referring them to the next Council1829
9William VanceReport on several Communications from William Vance, Esq., Agent for the Baring to Houlton Road1829
10William VanceReport on William Vance's contract for making a road in the County of Washington1830
11William VanceReport on the accounts of William Vance and James A. Campbell, Agents for opening the road from Round Lake to the line between Township 9 and 101830
12William VanceReport in part on the accounts of certain Land Agents1830
13William VanceReport on the communication from William Vance regarding the Baring to Houlton Road1830
14William VanceReport appointing William Vance as Agent to make a road called the Baring Road from Round Pond in Township 2 Range 1 to the south line of Townships 9 and 10 (V. 2, pg. 343 #862 papers missing)1828
15William VanceReport appointing a committee to examine the road contracted by William Vance to run from Baring to Houlton (V. 2, pg. 475 #985 papers missing)1828
16William VanceReport on the bond of William Vance as Agent of the Baring to Houlton Road (V. 2, pg. 548-551 no papers)1828
17William VanceReport on the Committee appointed to examine the Baring to Houlton Road1831
18William VanceReport on the accounts of William Vance, Agent for the Baring to Houlton Road1832
19William VanceReport on the report of the Commissioners to investigate the doings of certain Land Agents (papers missing, Vol. 3, pg. 434, #524)1831
20William VanceReport appointing, Land Agent on the Schoodic River (Reg. Vol. 1, pg. 18, #27, papers missing)1820
21William VanceReport on the letters of1821
22William VanceReport granting a warrant to, under the Resolve respecting the accounts of Land Agents1823
23William VanceReport on the doings of the committee to locate a road through the State's land in the County of Washington1825
24William VanceWarrant in favor of1825
25William VanceSee Land Agents 1822 #140 (papers missing)1822

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