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Maine Executive Council Records


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Results 1 to 25 of 139

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Abijah SmithReport appointing the Agents for the State Road north of the Bingham Purchase (V. 2, pg. 244 #750 papers missing)1827
2Abijah SmithReport on the account of Abijah Smith, Agent, to visit Maine citizens in jail in Fredericton, N. B.1831
3Abijah SmithReport on the bond of Abijah Smith, Agent to repair the Canada Road1832
4Abijah SmithWarrant in favor of Abijah Smith, Agent to repair the Canada Road1832
5Abijah SmithReport on the settlement of the account of Abijah Smith, Agent to repair the Canada Road1832
6Abijah SmithWarrant in favor of Abijah Smith, Agent of the Canada Road1833
7Albert SmithReport relative to David Winslow, Inspector of Beef and Pork1836
8Albert Smith and othersReport on a pardon to John Young of Portland1836
9Albert Smith and othersReport on a pardon to William Williams of Edgecomb1829
10Charles Smith and othersReport altering the bounds of certain militia companies1836
11Charles B. SmithWarrants in favor of the Secretary of State's clerks1826
12Charles B. SmithWarrants in favor of the Clerks in the Secretary of State's Office1833
13Charles B. Smith and othersReport on the Warrant in favor of Samuel Hazeltine, Keeper of the State Arsenal in Portland1840
14Charles G. SmithReport on the petition of Ezekiel Luce and others for an Artillery Company in New Sharon1828
15Charles G. Smith and othersReport on the petition of Charles G. Smith and others for a Company of Cavalry in the 2nd Brig. and 8th Div.1827
16Daniel SmithReport on the account of John Ackerman for transporting certain persons charged with murder from Massachusetts to this state1827
17David Smith and othersReport on the petition of, for a Light Infantry Company in Norway1823
18Edward SmithReport referring the lease of Edward and Lemuel Smith's water priviledges on the Penobscot River to the next session of the Council1836
19Edwin SmithWarrant in favor of Edwin Smith, Inspector of the State Prison1836
20Edwin SmithWarrant in favor of Edwin Smith for examing affairs of the State Prison1837
21Edwin SmithSee State Prison Inspectors 1825 13-261825
22Edwin SmithWarrants in favor of John Spear and Edwin Smith, Inspectors of the State Prison1830
23Edwin SmithWarrants in favor of Isaac G. Reed, John Spear and Edwin Smith, State Prison Inspectors1831
24Edwin SmithWarrant in favor of the State Prison Inspectors1832
25Edwin SmithWarrant in favor of Edwin Smith, Inspector of the State Prison1833

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