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Maine Executive Council Records


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Results 1 to 7 of 7

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Edward Smart and othersSee Tyler, Rowland and others 1822 4-32(2) (papers missing)1822
2Jesse Smart and othersReport on the petition of Seward Green and others for division of the Militia Company in Troy and Burnham1830
3Jesse Smart and othersReport on the petition of Jesse Smart and others for a division of the Militia Companies in Burnham and Troy1831
4Jesse Smart and othersReport on the petition of Jesse Smart and others for a division of the Companies in Troy and Burnham (with map)1831
5Jesse Smart and othersReport on the petition of James Marr of Alna for a pardon1838
6Stover SmartReport on the petition of Stover Smart of Bowdoin for a pardon, giving leave to withdraw his petition1829
7William SmartWarrant in favor of William Smart1839

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