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Maine Executive Council Records


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Results 1 to 14 of 14

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Alfred Randall and othersReport on a Company of Artillery in the 2nd Brigade, 5th Division1837
2Augustus G. Randall and othersReport on the organization of a company of Artillery in Danville1836
3Benjamin RandallReport on the petition of Benjamin Randall that William Crawford be admitted to the American Asylum1829
4Benjamin RandallReport on the petitions for Charles Henry Colson of Bath to be admitted to the Institute for the Education of the Blind1835
5Chandler Randall and othersReport on the organization of a Rifle Company in Montville1839
6George W. Randall and othersReport on the petition of, for a new company in Bangor and Orono1823
7John Randall and othersReport on the petitions etc., relative to the division of the Companies in Litchfield and Bowdoin1823
8Joshua RandallReport on a pardon to John M. Dagget of Strong1835
9Nathan RandallReport on sundry petitions that a pardon be granted to1822
10Nathan RandallSee Reed, Simon 1822 4-461822
11William RandallReport on the petition of the pardon of1823
12William RandallReport on the petition of Jeremiah Goodwin and others for the relief of1823
13William RandallReport on the petition of, for a pardon1824
14William Randall and othersReport on the petition of, against organizing a new company in Bangor1822

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