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Maine Executive Council Records


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Results 1 to 25 of 42

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Ann L. PierceWarrant in favor of Ann L. Pierce, Executrix of the Estate of George W. Pierce, deceased, Reporter of the Supreme Judicial Court1836
2Cyrus Pierce and othersReport on the petition of, praying to be formed into a Rifle Company1822
3David PierceReport on a pardon to Nathan A. Farwell of Unity1835
4George W. PierceReport on a pardon to Philip P. Read of Danville1835
5George W. PierceWarrant in favor of Ann L. Pierce, Executrix of the Estate of George W. Pierce, deceased, Reporter of the Supreme Judicial Court1836
6James S. Pierce and othersReport on a pardon of Hosea Hardy1840
7Joshua Pierce and othersRemonstrance against the election of Joshua Pierce as Ensign of a militia company1820
8Leo Pierce and othersWarrant in favor of Eleazar Packard for expenditures on the Mars Hill Road1836
9Leonard PierceWarrant in favor of Alpheus Lyons for going to Houlton and Monticello to investigate the Aroostook County Sheriff and Aroostook County Attorney1840
10Nehemiah PierceReport on the bond of Nehemiah Pierce, Agent for making the Mattanawcook Road1829
11Nehemiah PierceWarrant in favor of Nehemiah Pierce, Agent for making the Mattanawcook Road1829
12Nehemiah PierceOrder in relation to tools belonging to the State1829
13Nehemiah PierceWarrant in favor of Nehemiah Pierce, Esq., Agent for opening the Mattanawcook Road1829
14Nehemiah PierceReport on the account of Nehemiah Pierce, Esq., Agent for the Mattanawcook Road1830
15Nehemiah PierceReport on the bond of Nehemiah Pierce, Agent for the Mattanawcook Road1830
16Nehemiah PierceWarrant in favor of Nehemiah Peirce, Esq., Agent for the Mattanawcook Road1830
17Nehemiah PierceWarrant in favor of Nehemiah Pierce, Agent for the Mattanawcook Road1830
18Nehemiah PierceReport on the account of Nehemiah Pierce, Agent for the Mattanawcook Road1830
19Nehemiah PierceJoshua Carpenter nominated and rejected as Agent to build a road from the south line of Township 2 OIP on the east side of the Penobscot River to Mattanawcook Stream. Nehemiah Pierce nominated instead. (V. 3, pg. 74 #85 papers missing)1829
20Nehemiah PierceNehemiah Pierce appointed as Agent to make a road from the south line of Township 2 OIP on the east side of the Penobscot River to Mattanawcook Stream (V. 3, pg. 269 #324 papers missing)1830
21Nehemiah PierceWarrant in favor of Nehemiah Pierce, for opening the Road from Township 2 OIP to Mattanawcook Stream1831
22Nehemiah PierceWarrants in favor of Francis O. J. Smith and Nehemiah Pierce, Agents to examine the Canada Road1831
23Nicholas PierceWarrant in favor of Nicholas Pierce for a pension1827
24Nicholas PierceWarrant in favor of Nicholas Pierce for his pension1828
25Nicholas PierceWarrant in favor of Nicholas Pierce for a pension1828

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