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Maine Executive Council Records


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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Abraham OsgoodWarrant in favor of Abraham Osgood to build a powder house at the State Arsenal in Portland1832
2Abraham OsgoodWarrant in favor of Abraham Osgood for building a Magazine at Portland1833
3Abraham OsgoodWarrant in favor of Abraham Osgood for a workshop adjoining the State Arsenal1826
4Abraham OsgoodWarrant in favor of Abraham Osgood for work done at the State Armory1827
5Abram OsgoodReport relative to David Winslow, Inspector of Beef and Pork1836
6Abram OsgoodWarrant in favor of, for work on the State Arsenal1825
7Abram OsgoodReport on the account of, for work performed at Mount Jays Neck1825
8Abram OsgoodSee State Arsenal 1824 12-421824
9Apollas OsgoodWarrant in favor of, as Adjutant of the 3rd Reg. 1st Brig. 6th Div.1824
10Elisha OsgoodReport on the petitions for assistance to the deaf and dumb (no petitions)1831
11Elisha OsgoodReport on the petition of Rocksanna Osgood for the admission of her son Elisha Osgood into the American Asylum1831
12Elisha OsgoodReport on the petition to continue Elisha Osgood at the American Asylum1835
13Elisha OsgoodReport on the petition of Samuel Osgood, Jr. that Elisha Osgood be admitted to the American Asylum1829
14H. B. Osgood and othersReport on the Pardon of David Holland of Wilton1840
15Joseph OsgoodReport revoking the Commission of Joseph Osgood to solumnize marriages in Penobscot County1832
16Joseph Osgood and othersReport on the petition of Joseph Osgood and others for a pardon of John W. Bussell1830
17Rocksanna OsgoodReport on the petitions for assistance to the deaf and dumb (no petitions)1831
18Rocksanna OsgoodReport on the petition of Rocksanna Osgood for the admission of her son Elisha Osgood into the American Asylum1831
19Rocksannah OsgoodReport on the petition to continue Elisha Osgood at the American Asylum1835
20Samuel Osgood, Jr.Report on the petition of Samuel Osgood, Jr. that Elisha Osgood be admitted to the American Asylum1829
21Timothy OsgoodReport on the Resolve in favor of, to refund money paid1822

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