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Maine Executive Council Records


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Results 1 to 17 of 17

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Charles JordanWarrant in favor of Asa Bailey, Portland Gaol Keeper, for keeping prisoners on the way from the Alfred Gaol to the State Prison1837
2Cyrus Jordan, M. D.Report on the petitions to send Emmy Ann Morse and Asa Goodwin to the American Asylum1836
3John JordanSee Pardons 1824 8-221824
4John JordanReport on sundry petitions for pardons1828
5John JordanReport on the petition of John Jordan for a pardon, giving leave to withdraw his petition1829
6John JordanReport on a pardon for John Jordan1829
7Levi Jordan and othersReport on the petition of Levi Jordan and others for a Militia Company in Raymond, giving leave to withdraw1832
8Osman Jordan and othersReport on the petition of Osman Jordan and others for their militia company to be set off from the 2nd Regiment, 1st Brigade, 5th Division to the 1st Regiment1839
9Samuel JordanReport on the petition of Samuel Jordan of Hollis for a pardon1831
10Samuel JordanReport on the petition of the Selectmen of Hollis and others for the pardon of Samuel Jordan1831
11Samuel JordanReport on a pardon of Samuel Jordan of Hollis1832
12Samuel JordanReport on the petition of Isaac Lane and others for the pardon of Samuel Jordan of Hollis1833
13William M. JordanWarrant for payment of certain pensioners1838
14William M. JordanWarrant in favor of William M. Jordan for a pension1840
15William M. JordanReport on the Warrant in favor of William M. Jordan for a military pension1840
16William Jordan, Jr.Warrant in favor of William Jordan, Jr., for his pension1837
17William Jordan, Jr.Warrants in favor of pensioners1837

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