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Maine Executive Council Records


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Results 1 to 20 of 20

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Euran H. Hobbs and othersReport on the organization of a Company of Light Infantry in Waterboro1837
2Frederic HobbsReport on the account of Frederic Hobbs, Agent appointed to collect Fines, Forfeitures and Bills of Cost in Washington County1830
3Frederick HobbsReport on the communications from Abner B. Thompson, Esq., and Frederick Hobbs in relation to debtors to the State1831
4Frederick HobbsSettlement of the account of Frederick Hobbs, Agent to collect Fines, etc., in Washington County1833
5Henry HobbsWarrant for the 4th Session of the 19th Council1839
6Henry HobbsWarrant for the payroll of the 6th Session of the 19th Council1839
7Henry HobbsWarrant for the Payroll of the 6th Session of the 19th Council1840
8Henry Hobbs, Jr., and othersReport on the petition of, to form a Company of Artillery1822
9Hiram H. HobbsReport on the bond of Hiram H. Hobbs, Clerk of the Judicial Courts in York County1838
10Isaac Hobbs and othersReport on the petition of Isaac Hobbs and others to annex their militia company to Perry1839
11John HobbsWarrant in favor of John Hobbs for a pension1832
12John HobbsWarrant in favor of John Hobbs for a pension1833
13John HobbsWarrant in favor of John Hobbs for a pension1834
14John HobbsWarrant in favor of John Hobbs for a pension1835
15John HobbsWarrant in favor of John Hobbs, Pensioner1836
16John HobbsWarrant in favor of John Hobbs for a pension1837
17John HobbsWarrants in favor of David Seavey, John Hobbs, and George Sawtelle, for pensions1838
18John HobbsWarrant in favor of Pensioners1839
19John HobbsWarrant in favor of John Hobbs for a pension1840
20John HobbsWarrant in favor of John Hobbs for a pension1828

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