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Maine Executive Council Records


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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Governor Francis and othersSee Goulding, Peter 1825 13-461825
2John FrancisWarrant in favor of John Francis and Sebattis Neptune1834
3John FrancisWarrant in favor of John Francis and Sebattis Neptune1835
4John Francis and othersReport on the petition of John Francis and others for building a parsonage house1838
5Joseph FrancisWarrant in favor of Jonas Farnsworth, Passamaquoddy Indian Agent1835
6(Rev.) Thomas Francis and othersReport on the petition of William B. Curtis for the admission of two of his children into the American Asylum1831
7William Francis and othersReport on the memorial of William Francis and others, vendors of tickets in Portland, praying that the Managers of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal Lottery be removed and others appointed1826

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