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Maine Executive Council Records


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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Barlow DyerReport on a Warrant in favor of Barlow Dyer for Wheat Bounty in Amity1840
2Clement J. DyerReport on the account of Clement J. Dyer for apprehending and transporting John Rice from Massachusetts1826
3Clement J. Dyer and othersReport on the petition of, for a Company of Light Infantry in Falmouth1823
4Eben P. DyerReport on the application for the admission of Eben P. Dyer of Thorndike to the American Asylum1834
5Ebenezer DyerReport on the petition of Humphrey Dyer and others for the pardon of Ebenezer Dyer of Hollis1832
6Ebenezer DyerReport relative to the Deaf, Dumb and Blind1839
7George Dyer and othersReport on the application for the admission of Eben P. Dyer of Thorndike to the American Asylum1834
8Humphrey Dyer and othersReport on the petition of Humphrey Dyer and others for the pardon of Ebenezer Dyer of Hollis1832
9James Dyer and othersReport on the division of the Infantry Company in Township 6 Range 21840
10Jesse Dyer, Jr., and othersReport on sundry military petitions, giving leave to withdraw1840
11Jonas DyerWarrant in favor of Jonas Dyer for interest on his loan to the State1834
12Jones DyerWarrant in favor of Jones Dyer for interest on a loan to the State1836
13Jones DyerWarrant in favor of Jones Dyer for interest on his loan to the State1836
14Joseph Dyer, Jr., and othersReport on the petition of Joseph Dyer, Jr., and others for a Company of Cavalry, giving leave to withdraw their petition1829
15Joseph Dyer, Jr., and othersReport on the petition of Joseph Dyer, Jr., and others for a Company of Cavalry in the 8th Div., 2nd Brig., 3rd Reg't, referring it to the next Council (V. 2, pg. 546 #1070 papers missing)1829
16Stephen Dyer and othersReport on the petition of Stephen Dyer and others for a Light Infantry Company in Unity1836
17William DyerReport granting a pardon to William Dyer1826

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