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Maine Executive Council Records


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Results 1 to 12 of 12

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Benjamin F. ButlerReport relative to ceeding to the U. S. jurisdiction of certain land in Augusta1837
2Elijah Butler, Jr.Warrant in favor of Elijah Butler, Jr. as compensation for a wound received while on militia duty1827
3Francis J. ButlerReport on the bond of Francis J. Butler, Clerk of the Judicial Courts in Franklin County1839
4Freeman Butler and othersReport that the Company of Riflemen in Farmington be disbanded1833
5Hannah ButlerReport on the admission of Hannah and John Butler to the American Asylum1834
6Ichabod Butler and othersReport on the petition of Ichabod Butler and others for a pardon of Horace Willard of Sanford1830
7John ButlerReport on the admission of Hannah and John Butler to the American Asylum1834
8Josiah Butler and othersReport on the petition of Josiah Butler and others regarding the repair of the Canada Road1840
9Nathaniel ButlerReport relative to the organization of a militia company in Amherst and the discharge of certain officers1837
10(Col.) Nehemiah ButlerReport on the petition to disband the A Company of Light Infantry1839
11Ralph Butler, Jr., and othersReport for the organization of a company of Light Infantry in Weld1836
12Solomon ButlerMedical report on Solomon Butler of New Gloucester, who is blind1835

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