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Maine Executive Council Records


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Results 1 to 16 of 16

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Edward BartlettReport on a pardon for Moses Call of Nobleboro1837
2Elias Bartlett and othersReport on the petition of, for a new Regiment1822
3Frederick BartlettReport for the pardon of Frederick Bartlett of Lincoln1837
4George C. Bartlett and othersReport disbanding the C Company in Eliot1840
5Ichabod Bartlett and othersReport relative to David Winslow, Inspector of Beef and Pork1836
6Joel BartlettWarrant in fvor of Joel Bartlett for the erection of a Gun House in Harmony1836
7Joel BartlettWarrant in favor of Joel Bartlett for the Harmony Gun House1837
8Lemuel Bartlett, Jr., and othersReport on the petition of, for a Rifle Company in Unity and adjacent towns1824
9Nathaniel BartlettWarrant in favor of the Treasurer of the State1838
10Thomas BartlettReport on the bonds of Amos M. Roberts and Thomas Bartlett, Commissioners to purchase Indian lands1833
11Thomas BartlettWarrant in favor of Amos M. Roberts and Thomas Bartlett, Commissioners to purchase Indian Lands1833
12Thomas BartlettReport on the memorial of sundry of the Penobscot Tribe of Indians for the removal of their Agent1828
13Thomas Bartlett and othersReport on the petition of Thomas Bartlett and others for a Company of Militia in Camden, giving leave to withdraw1832
14Thomas Bartlett and othersReport on the petition of Thomas Bartlett and others for a grant of land on the Allagash River1833
15William BartlettReport on the petition of, for a pardon1820
16William D. Bartlett and othersReport on a pardon of James Thompson of New Gloucester, giving leave to withdraw1834

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