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Maine Executive Council Records


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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1John D. BarnardWarrant for the payment of the subordinate officers at the State Prison1836
2John D. BarnardWarrant in favor of John D. Barnard for services to the Executice Council1837
3John D. BarnardWarrants in favor of the Secretary of State's Clerks1838
4Silas BarnardWarrant in favor of Silas Barnard, Agent to lay out a road from Brighton to Moosehead Lake1833
5Silas BarnardReport approving the bond of Silas Barnard, Agent for making a road in Penobscot County1834
6Silas BarnardWarrant in favor of Silas Barnard, Agent for making a road in Penobscot County1834
7Silas BarnardReport on the settlement of the account of Silas Barnard, Agent to locate a road from Brighton to Moosehead Lake1834
8Silas BarnardReport on the settlement of the account of Silas Barnard, Agent to make a road in Penobscot County1834
9Silas BarnardWarrant in favor of Silas Barnard1834
10Silas BarnardWarrant in favor of Silas Barnard1834
11Silas BarnardWarrant in favor of Silas Barnard for making a road through Waterville College Township in the Plantation of Argyle1834
12Silas BarnardReport on the accounts of Silas Barnard, Agent to superintend the making of a road in Argyle Plantation1834

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