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Maine Executive Council Records


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Results 1 to 14 of 14

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Abraham Anderson and othersReport on the petition of Abraham Anderson and others for a Company of Light Infantry in Windham1828
2Barton Anderson and othersReport on the petition of Barton Anderson and others, Officers and soldiers in the two local Companies of Militia in Lewiston for a boundary line between them1829
3C. J. AndersonReport on the remission of fine, etc., to Baldwin Mussey of Searsmont1839
4Edward Anderson and othersReport on the petition of John Andrews and others for the division of the 2nd Regt., 2nd Brig., 5th Div.1827
5(Capt.) Edward Anderson, Jr., and othersReport on the petition of, to be set off to the 2nd Reg't1824
6Hugh J. AndersonReport on the bond of Hugh J. Anderson, Clerk of Courts in Waldo County1831
7John AndersonReport on a pardon to Darius Lewis of Kittery1833
8John AndersonReport remitting part of sentence to John Anderson1826
9John Anderson and othersReport relative to David Winslow, Inspector of Beef and Pork1836
10John Anderson and othersReport on the petition of John Anderson and others for a pardon of George W. Herrick of Portland1838
11John Anderson and othersReport on various petitions regarding the Blind and Dead and Dumb (has letters written by students)1840
12Richard Anderson and othersReport relative to David Winslow, Inspector of Beef and Pork1836
13William AndersonWarrant in favor of William Anderson, Treasurer of Baileyville1833
14William AndersonReport on a pardon of Charles Sargent of Portland1836

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