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Maine Executive Council Records


Search Results

Results 1 to 18 of 18

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Adam Adams and othersReport on a pardon to Levi Temple of Bowdoin, giving leave to withdraw1835
2Benjamin AdamsSee Massachusetts Claims 1823 #209 (papers missing)1823
3Eliashib AdamsReport on the application of the Maine Charity School for benefits under a "Resolve in favor of Education"1838
4Fisher AdamsReport on a Warrant in favor of Stephen Rowell, Fisher Adams, Sarah Adams and Asahel W. MacMahon1840
5George E. Adams and othersReport on the petition of George E. Adams and others for the admission of Margaret Dunning of Brunswick to the American Asylum at Hartford1833
6Isaac AdamsSee Cumberland and Oxford Canal Lottery 1823 #212 (papers missing)1823
7James AdamsReport on the bond of James Adams, Clerk of the Judicial Courts for Penobscot County1838
8James Adams and othersSee Randall, John and others 1823 5-401823
9James Adams, Jr.Warrant in favor of, for a Bible for use in the Council Chamber1825
10James Adams, Jr.Report on sundry accounts1826
11John Adams and othersReport on the organization of a company of Riflemen in Madison1838
12John W. AdamsWarrant in favor of John W. Adams for his pension1837
13Joseph AdamsReport on the communications from Abner B. Thompson, Esq., and Frederick Hobbs in relation to debtors to the State1831
14Joseph AdamsWarrant in favor of Joseph Adams for costs in the case State vs. Amos Nichols1831
15Peter Adams and othersReport on the remission of the remainder of the sentence of Ira Copp of Gardiner1830
16Sarah AdamsReport on a Warrant in favor of Stephen Rowell, Fisher Adams, Sarah Adams and Asahel W. MacMahon1840
17Solomon Adams and othersReport on a pardon to John Young1836
18Sybil Adams and othersReport on a pardon to Nathan A. Farwell of Unity1835

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