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Maine Executive Council Records


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Results 1 to 25 of 135

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Name or SubjectDescriptionYear
1Academies, Schools and CollegesWarrant in favor of John H. Hartwell, Agent to build the Insane Hospital1838
2William AllardReport on the claim of William Allard in fulfilling a contract on the Insane Hospital1838
3William AllardWarrant in favor of William Allard for cutting stone for the Insane Hospital1839
4BondsReport on the Bond of Henry Winslow, Steward and Treasurer of the Insane Hospital1840
5BondsReport on the bond of Henry Winslow, Superintendent of the erection of the Insane Hospital1839
6BondsReport on the bond of Charles Keene, Agent to build the Insane Hospital1838
7BondsReport on the bond of John H. Hartwell, Agent of the Insane Hospital1837
8Chauncey BoothReport on the Warrant in favor of Chauncey Booth, Assistant Physician of the Insane Hospital1840
9Benjamin BrownReport on the communication of Asa Redington relative to the Insane Hospital1838
10Elias CarterWarrant in favor of Elias Carter, for drawings furnished for an Insane Hospital1835
11DeedsReport on the communication from the State Treasurer transmitting the deed for the lot for the Insane Hospital1835
12DraftsmanWarrant in favor of Elias Carter, for drawings furnished for an Insane Hospital1835
13N. C. FletcherReport on the Warrant in favor of N. C. Fletcher, Chairman of the Committee on the Insane Hospital1840
14N. C. FletcherReport in favor of the Committee on the Insane Hospital1840
15N. C. FletcherReport on the Warrant in favor of N. C. Fletcher, Chairman of the Committee for furnishing the Insane Hospital1840
16Nathan C. FletcherReport on the Warrant in favor of N. C. Fletcher for purchases made for the Insane Hospital1840
17John H. HartwellWarrant in favor of John H. Hartwell, Superintendent of the Insane Hospital1839
18John H. HartwellWarrant in favor of John H. Hartwell, Agent to superintend the erection of an Insane Hospital1837
19John H. HartwellWarrant in favor of John H. Hartwell, Agent for the Insane Hospital1837
20John H. HartwellWarrant in favor of John H. Hartwell, Superintendent of the Insane Hospital1837
21John H. HartwellReport on the bond of John H. Hartwell, Agent of the Insane Hospital1837
22John H. HartwellReport relative to the claim of John H. Hartwell, Superintendent of the Insane Hospital1839
23John H. HartwellWarrant in favor of John H. Hartwell, Agent to build the Insane Hospital1838
24John H. HartwellReport on the accounts of John H. Hartwell, Agent to superintend the building of the Insane Hospital1838
25John H. HartwellWarrant in favor of John H. Hartwell, Agent for the construction of the Insane Hospital1838

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