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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1John A. WoodsA petition recommending Jonas Burnham to be appointed to the office of Suprerintendent of Common Schools.1859
2Josiah B. WoodsCitizens of Hancock County recommend Peter Thacher to be appointed as judge of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
3Lenard WoodsRecommending the appointment of E. P. Weston to the office of superintendent of schools.1860
4N. WoodsCommunication announcing the appointment of Enoch W. Woodbury as the Superintendent of the Reform School.1867
5N. WoodsCorrespondence dealing with a delayed return.1869
6N. WoodsInquiring as to the delay from the Council to appoint the trustees for the Reform School1869
7N. WoodsInquiring as to whether the trustees of the Reform School serve for four or three years.1869
8N. WoodsPetition recommending the reappointment of John Appleton as Chief Justice.1869
9N. WoodsCorrespondence regarding the annual return of the European and North American Railway Company.1870
10N. WoodsRecommending Solymon Heath to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
11N. WoodsRecommending the appointment of Jonas Burnham to the office of superintendent of schools.1860
12Noah WoodsNumber of cases on the docket of the SJC for Cumberland County and attorny's names.1868
13Noah WoodsRecommending the reappointment of Noah Woods to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for the State of Maine.1872
14Wellington WoodsPetition recommending the appointment of Nathaniel Graves to the office of commissioner for State valuation.1869
15William WoodsPetition to recommend David Gordon to be appointed as Indian Agent to the Passapaquoddy Tribe.1867

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