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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Arno WiswellPetition recommending the reappointment of John Appleton and J. G. Deckerson.1869
2Arno WiswellRequesting the monies due Planation #33 for stumpage on public lots.1851
3Arno WiswellRequesting that Robert Hopkins be reappointed as Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum.1858
4Arno WiswellRecommending Solymon Heath to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
5Oliver WiswellPetition requesting a loan to aid the Piscataquis Railroad Company to construct its railroad.1860
6Samuel WiswellPetition requesting that Samuel W. Haskins not continue to be agent for the Penobscot Tribe.1860
7Samuel WiswellPetition recommending the appointment of Fred E. Shaw to the office of County Auditor for Penobscot County.1860

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