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Secretary of State Correspondence


Search Results

Results 1 to 22 of 22

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1A. G. WhittierRecommending the appointment of Nathaniel Graves for commissioner on State valuation.1869
2Albion G. WhittierRecommending the appointment of Albion G. Whittier to the office of Justics of the Peace and of the Quorum for Kennebec County.1870
3Charles WhittierRequesting to solemnize marriages.1860
4Emma WhittierRegarding the warrant drawn for Emma Whittier's education at the Clarke Institution for Deaf Mutes.1870
5Emma WhittierInquiring why she had received a warrant of sixty-three dollars.1870
6Emma WhittierConcerning the tutition of Emma Whittier.1870
7Henry L. WhittierPetition to recommend David Gordon as agent of the Passamaquoddy Indians.1859
8Hiram N. WhittierRecommending the appointment of Hiram N. Whittier to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Kennebec County.1872
9Howard WhittierPetition recommending the appointment of James L. Stoddard to the office of Register of Deeds for Kennebec County.1870
10J. A. L. WhittierMembers of the Cumberland Bar supporting Mr. Symonds.1868
11James A. WhittierRecommending the appointment of Joseph W. Symonds to the office of Judge of the Superior Court in Cumberland County.1868
12James B. WhittierPetition for the appointment of John Diggles to the office of Trial Justice.1860
13Moses WhittierRequesting the removal of Moses Whittier as Trial Justice and John P. Craig be appointed in his place for Kennebec County.1872
14Moses WhittierPetition recommending the appointment of Moses Whittier to the office of trial justice and justices of the peace and of the quorum.1860
15Moses WhittierRecommending the appointment of Moses Whittier to the office of Trial Justice.1860
16Obadiah WhittierRecommending the reappointment of George G. Stacy to the office of State Librarian.1867
17Obadiah WhittierRecommending the appointment of Lendall C. Davis to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Kennebec County.1872
18Obadiah WhittierRecommending the appointment of Hiram N. Whittier to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Kennebec County.1872
19S. A. WhittierPetition recommending Francis O. Sawyer for the office of Inspector of Pickled Fish.1859
20William WhittierAcknowledging the receipt of school registers for distribution.1856
21William WhittierAcknowledging the receipt of blanks for distribution within Franklin County.1856
22William WhittierAcknowledging the receipt of blanks for distribution within Franklin County.1856

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