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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Isaac WelchPetition recommending the appointment of James H. Macomber to the office of Trial Justice.1860
2John WelchRecommending the appointment of John Welch to solemnize marriages for the State of Maine.1871
3Lewis WelchRequesting that students be allowed to continue their education beyond the four years. Also, requesting funds that would pay for the clothing etc. of the students.1836
4Lewis WelchRequesting that students be allowed to continue their education beyond the four years. Also, requesting funds that would pay for the clothing etc. of the students.1837
5Lewis WelchRequesting a clarification as to whether a student by the name of Moses Curtis will be able to continue his studies at the asylum.1837
6Lewis WelchTransmitting copies of the yearly report from the asylum.1837
7Milton WelchCommunication to Mr. True supporting his candidacy for the office of superintendent of schools.1860

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