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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Abeizer VeaziePetition recommending the appointment of Davis Tillson to the office of Clerk of the Courts.1860
2John W. VeazieRequesting that John W. Veazie be appointed as one of the railroad commissioners.1858
3Samuel VeazieRequesting the Act for the railroad from Bangor to Old Town.1834
4Samuel VeaziePetition recommending the appointment of John Short to be the keeper of the Bangor Arsenal.1860
5Samuel VeaziePetition recommending the appointment of Samuel Maxwell to the office of keeper of the Bangor arsenal.1860
6Samuel VeaziePetition recommending the appointment of Robert Goodenow to the office of Bank Commissioner.1861
7Samuel Veazie, 1787-1868Requesting a copy of the act granting the Town of Old town a Charter to build a new bridge in Orono and another copy of the Charter of a boom to Rufus Divinell and Nathan Winslow on the Penobscot River.1832

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