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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1A. D. TylerRecommending Peter Thacher as judge for the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
2Alex TylerPetition recommending Cyril Pearl as Superintendent of Common Schools for the State of Maine.1859
3B. W. TylerPetition recommending the appointment of George F. Wadsworth to the office of Indian Agent for the Passamaquoddy Tribe of Indians.1867
4B. W. TylerMembers of the House of Representatives recommending the reappointment of George G. Stacy to the office of State Librarian.1867
5B. W. TylerRecommending the appointment of George F. Wadsworth to the office of Indian Agent to the Passamaquoddy Indians.1867
6Coburn TylerPetition recommending the appointment of John W. V. Norwood to the office of Register of Deeds for Knox County.1860
7Daniel P. TylerAcknowledging the receipt of a copy of Shepley's Maine Reports and a map of Maine.1845
8Daniel P. TylerAcknowledging the receipt of the 23rd volume of the Maine Report.1846
9G. C. TylerPetition recommending the appointment of William E. Morris to the office of Judge of the Municipal Court in Portland.1870
10G. C. TylerRecommending the appointment of Albert Marwick to the office of Harbor Commissioner for Portland.1873
11Isaac TylerResignation from the office of the County Commissioner for the County of Franklin.1841
12John Tyler, 1790-1862Acknowledging the receipt of adopted Legislation relating to the North Eastern boundary line.1842
13Joseph C. TylerPetition recommending the appointment of George W. Coombs to the office of Sheriff of Androscoggin County.1870
14Samuel TylerRecommending the appointment of Cyril Pearl to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
15Thomas TylerRequesting that Thomas Tyler be appointed to solemnize marriages.1859
16William TylerPetition requesting that Benjamin W. Nason be appointed to the office of Justices of the Peace for Cumberland and Androscoggin Counties.1859

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