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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Brown ThurstonPetition recommending the appointment of William E. Morris to the office of Judge of the Municipal Court in Portland.1870
2C. B. ThurstonPetition recommending the appointment of William E. Morris to the office of Judge of the Municipal Court in Portland.1870
3Daniel ThurstonPetition recommending the appointment of Joseph Millay to the office of lime inspector for the Town of Camden.1869
4Daniel ThurstonPetition recommending the appointment of Elliot Oberton to the office of inspector of lime and lime casks.1870
5David ThurstonPetition recommending the appointment of Shadrach Black to the office of Fish Warden.1870
6David ThurstonRecommending the appointment of Jonas Burnham to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
7E. M. ThurstonPetition recommending the appointment of Thomas Littlefield to the office of Sheriff of Androscoggin County.1870
8Frederick G. ThurstonDeclining the office of Commissioner for the State of Maine and recommending Mr. K. B. Small.1837
9George F. ThurstonPetition recommending the appointment of William E. Morris to the office of Judge of the Municipal Court in Portland.1870
10James P. ThurstonInquiring as to why he has not received an order passed by the Executive Council that was sent to him by the Secretary of State.1870
11James P. ThurstonRequesting his papers be returned to him.1870
12Jane P. ThurstonRegarding a breach of contract of the "Bill of Rights" with her.1869
13Jane P. ThurstonRequesting to record at the registsry of Deeds the sale and purchase by Mrs. Jane P. Thurston to realize a lein she held upon the State of Maine.1870
14Jane P. ThurstonRegarding a lien held on the State.1870
15Jane P. ThurstonCorrespondence from Jane P. Thurston, who claims she owns the State of Maine.1871
16Philo ThurstonPetition recommending Davis Tilson to be appointed to the office of Clerk of the Court for Knox County.1860
17Philo ThurstonPetition recommending the appointment of J. G. Day to the office of Trial Justice.1860
18R. B. ThurstonRecommending the appointment of David Worcester to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
19S. D. ThurstonRecommending that James Robinson be given a pension for his injuries.1869
20S. D. ThurstonRequesting a commission as a Justice for Penobscot County.1870
21S. D. ThurstonRecommending the appointment of David Worcester to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
22S. D. ThurstonPetition recommending the appointment of John Short to be the keeper of the Bangor Arsenal.1860
23Samuel D. ThurstonRecommending the appointment of Samuel D. Thurston to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Penobscot County.1870
24Samuel R. ThurstonRequesting the laws passed by the Maine Legislature and Statutes.1850
25Samuel R. ThurstonA petition recommending the appointment of Cyril Pearl to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859

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