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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1A. G. ThomasPetition recommending Davis Tilson to be appointed to the office of Clerk of the Court for Knox County.1860
2A. Thomas, Jr.Petition recommending the appointment of Moses Maxfield to the office of Trial Justice.1868
3Alonzo ThomasPetition requesting the formation of a Company of Riflemen in defense the State and Country.1861
4B. B. ThomasRelating to certificate of bounty scrip.1867
5B. B. ThomasA bond dealing with a veteran's script.1867
6Benjamin B. ThomasPetition recommending the appointment of Benjamin B. Thomas to the office of Commissioner under the recent act for the assumption of municipal war debts.1868
7C. W. ThomasPetition recommending the appointment of Jotham Shepherd as inspector of lime and lime cask for the Town of Camden.1868
8Caleb ThomasRecommending the appointment of Cyril Pearl to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
9Charles ThomasRecommending Charles Jarvis as a suitable agent to inspect the Military Road for the federal government.1834
10Cornelius ThomasAppointment of Otis Ingraham for the office of Inspector of Lime for the town of Camden.1857
11Cornelius T. ThomasRecommending the appointment of Cyril Pearl to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
12E. ThomasRequesting his signature on a draft so that Mr. E. Thomas will be able to have in his account.1830
13Elias ThomasNotice from the Seante and House of Representatives of the election of Elias Thomas as Treasurer of the State.1829
14Elias Thomas, 2ndRecommending the appointment of Elias Thomas 2nd to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Cumberland County.1871
15G. A. ThomasPetition recommending the appointment of Charles W. Goddard to the office of Judge of the Superior Court for Cumberland County.1868
16George ThomasPetition recommending the appointment of Cyrus Ingalls to the office of Trial Justice.1861
17George A. ThomasRecommending the appointment of George A. Thomas to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum.1862
18George A. ThomasRecommending the appointment of Thomas H. Haskell to the office of County Attorney for Cumberland County.1870
19George A. ThomasRecommending the appointment of Thomas H. Haskell to the office of Judge of the Municipal Court in Portland.1870
20George A. ThomasRecommending the appointment of Charles W. Goddard to the office of judge of the Supreme Court.1868
21George A. ThomasRecommending Jabes C. Woodman to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
22George C. ThomasRequesting renewal for the office of Commissioner for the State of Maine within the District of Columbia.1865
23George C. ThomasTransmitting his seal and oath as Commissioner for the State of Maine within the District of Columbia.1865
24H. ThomasPetition to recommend David Gordon to be appointed as Indian Agent to the Passapaquoddy Tribe.1867
25H. M. ThomasRecommending the appointment of Z. K. Harmon as agent for State Pensions.1866

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